Zemen Insurance S.C.
Place of work: Addis Ababa
Dead line for Application: August 31/2024.
Place of application: Zemen Insurance S. C, Bole Road, Alem Building, 2nd floor. Interested applicants should apply and fill in Company’s application form in person along with non- returnable updated CV and copies of relevant credential from the date of this vacancy announcement until August 31/2024.during working hours.
Zemen Insurance Share Company (ZISC) is a Private Insurance Company which was established by 898 founding shareholders. ZISC is registered at Ministry of Trade and Industry on January 24, 2020. The Company got license to operate nonlife or general insurance business by National Bank of Ethiopia on January 17/2020 with an initial subscribed and paid up capital Ethiopian Birr/ETB/ of Birr 112.2 million and 79.89 million respectively at time of registration.